Make your goals a reality.
As your business grows, the need for suitable space and commercial property becomes essential. At LINKBANK, we recognize that owning the land or buildings where your business operates provides stability, flexibility, and the opportunity for further growth. That's why we offer commercial real estate loans to help you acquire, renovate, refinance, or expand commercial properties, enabling you to take your business to the next level.
Purchase the land or buildings your business needs as it grows or leverage your equity and invest in your business. With physical expansion comes the opportunity to grow your business and watch it thrive.
Our commercial estate loans can help you renovate, refinance, or purchase commercial property. By securing the financing for your commercial property needs, you can create a space that aligns with your business vision, enhances your brand, and accommodates future growth.
LINKBANK is here to be your strategic partner, offering comprehensive financial solutions to empower your business's expansion and watch it thrive. Learn more about how we can support your company’s next chapter.

access your money as you need it.
Access your line of credit to use for expenses as needed, and only pay interest on the amount you use!